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花千骨糖宝毛绒玩具:邹经理,义乌市庆广玩具厂 花千骨糖宝毛绒玩具 花千骨糖宝毛绒玩具批发价格 花千骨糖宝毛绒玩具厂家 花千骨糖宝毛绒玩具厂家批发 宝贝介绍 1.宝贝名称:糖宝 查看更多 2.宝贝颜色:绿色 3.宝贝材质:超柔毛绒 4.宝贝填充:三维真空PP棉 5.宝贝尺寸:如图 6.宝贝简介:面料为进口毛绒面料,精细工艺制作,手感舒适,质地柔软,经纬编织工艺先进, 牢固紧密,防静电能强,采用炀板载剪,既保证不掉毛,也避免短绒吸附表面而产生的脱毛现象, 面料的防阻燃能力达到了国家检验标准。内填充完全是非常干净的PPC三维中空棉, 膨松性强,弹性好,纤维细腻,易于清洗,没有异味,对人体无害。
宝贝名称糖宝 宝贝规格70-90CM左右高 七彩发光会叫娘亲的糖宝和会叫娘亲、爹爹、我饿了的糖宝 亲们因为现在发光说话糖宝太火了,会导致缺货,我们在竭尽所能的赶货,先拍先发,拍下4-5天发货,介意的亲们慎拍哦 先下单先发货哦,不要犹豫了赶紧下单吧 Eh, wha-a-at, mon cher I understands nozzin. Ze lady, quel nom” “Maraquito Gredos.” “Espagnole,” murmured Le Beau, shaking his wig. “Non. I do not know ze name. Dancers of Spain. Ah, yis I haf had miny zey are not steef like ze cochon Englees. Describe ze looks, mon ami.” Jennings did so, to the best of his ability, but the old man still appeared undecided. “But she has been ill for three years,” added Jennings. “She fell and hurt her back, and ” “Eh wha-a-at Celestine!” cried Le Beau excitedly. “She did fall and hurt hersilf eh, yis mos dredfil. Conceive to yoursilf, my frien, she slip on orange peels in ze streets and whacks comes she down. Tree year back yis tree year. Celestine Durand, mon fil.” Jennings wondered. “But she says she is Spanish.” Le Beau flipped a pinch of snuff in the air. “Ah, bah!
She no Spain.” “So she is French,” murmured Jennings to himself. “Ah, non by no means,” cried the Frenchman unexpectedly. “She no French. She Englees yis I remembers. A ver fine and big demoiselle. She wish to come out at de opera. But she too large mooch too large. Englees yis La Juive.” “A Jewess” cried Jennings in his turn. “I swear to you, mon ami. Englees Jewess, mais oui!
For ten months she dance here, tree year gone. Zen zee orange peels and pouf!
I see her no mores. But never dance no too large, une grande demoiselle.” “Do you know wher she came from” 花千骨糖宝毛绒玩具